Aureate Maurgold Invernesshire UDX GN PCDX GO PUTD VER AX MXJ CCA CGC
11/24/2006 - 7/29/2014
Limey on 7/11/10 |
Limey on 7/14/12 |
Limey on 4/13/13 |
Limey on 3/21/14 |
K9DATA web site
Limey's Pedigree
Limey receiving his CCA ribbon on October 25, 2009, in Enid, OK, at the GRCA National Specialty at 2 years 11 months |
Limey on 3/18/09 at 2 years 4 months |
Limey on 6/22/08 at 1 year 7 months |
Limey on 12/25/07 - 1 year 1 mo. |
Limey on 9/24/07 |
Limey on 9/24/07 |
Limey on 7/29/07 |
Merlin & Limey on 7/29/07 |
Limey on the dogwalk on March 20, 2007 |
Limey playing on 2/19/07 |
Lime & Blue playing on 2/6/07 |
Blue & Lime playing on February 6th |
Limey on February 3rd |
Limey on January 25th saying 'Please Pick Me' |
the Boys almost 6 weeks old |
Puppies on January 3,2007 - Just the Boys |
Nessa & Puppies on December 15,2006 |
Puppies on December 14,2006 |
Puppies on December 5,2006 |
Puppies on December 2,2006 |
Puppies on December 3,2006 |
Nessa & pups on November 30,2006 |
Nessa & pups on November 27,2006 |
Nessa & pups on November 28,2006 |
Puppies on Birthday - 11/24/2006 |
Puppies - next day - 11/25/2006 |
Puppy at 31 days after conception |
Puppies at 58 days after conception (just whelped) |